

About Dark Forest


In the old myths, when knights of the realm set off to look for the holy grail, they entered the forest where it was darkest - where there was no paths. The Grail they searched for was their own Wholeness - a depth and breadth of being that can't be found within the ego and its known territory. So the knights went out into the unknown - out into a larger world of bird song and glowing eyes in the dark where its more obvious that the shifts and changes in one's spirit are just part of nature's flow. And each of these forest-walkers had to find his or her own way - step by step. And at the same time, those heroic characters didn't get by on grit and courage alone. They tended to find all kinds of support along the way. Otherwise the journey would be so much more needlessly grueling. That's our role here: to walk along beside you on that journey: not to lead or instruct, but to provide support and stability...maybe some balm and bandages if things get really intense. It might sometimes feel right to offer you a nugget of wisdom from some ancient wisdom tradition or personal experience. Those nuggets though...they're offered on a "take em or leave em basis". Its your journey.

This is what we’re up to here. Stepping off the known paths - if only for a moment - to find out what is true for you. Wandering away from the trails our parents, teachers, loved ones may have told us we should follow...and forming a conscious, intuitive, well-considered relationship with them. Holding the question "Does what I've been taught align with the deepest things I know?" Listening deeply for the subtle impulses of our deeper nature: the intentions and orientation that arise from territory beyond the ego's boundary. My role is to offer a steady, stable presence that can meet what comes up with warmth and acceptance. When the ego develops cracks, the energies that rise up can be stormy, chaotic and…not always presentable to dress up and bring to church on Sunday. Rage, terror, despondency, venom…it can be important to sit with someone who won’t run screaming when shadow material comes to the surface. The held space we create is suffused through with steady love and compassion. If you’re tempted into some kind of self-judgement in reaction to what surfaces, I won’t go along for the ride.

About Shawn

My ability to hold space for people is rooted in thousands of hours of meditation...learning gradually how to stay still and relaxed with what shows up in my inner world. Raging ghouls and frightened goblins, grieving and despondenant inner children. Its a packed party. This accredits me to sitting with others in their difficulties. I'm ready if you're hair catches fire in a session, because its happened to me.

My training and background has included in-depth training in Vajrayana Buddhism, Esoteric Daoism. Zen Buddhism, and Advaita Vedanta. I'm also involved in ongoing training in the fields of counselling, trauma, and somatic technique.

When you feel ready to deep dive into the exploring who you are...